The singer Adam Barnard is a busy guy, but still finds time to spend time in the kitchen. He says people tend to switch the oven on maximum heat when they cook normal home food, but his secret is … time. “Tasty food takes time, so you can relax and set the temperature on low.”
FOOD PHILOSOPHY Enjoy preparing a meal. Don’t let it become a duty.
This recipe is an unusual combination that melts in your mouth
6 to 8 servings
250 ml (1 c) olive oil
750 ml (3 c) dry red wine
1 kg ostrich fillet
salt to taste
pepper to taste
Cajun spices to taste
400 g milk chocolate
100 ml cream or full-cream milk
1-3 chillies, pitted (optional) and chopped
salt and pepper to taste
Cajun spices to taste
1 Fillet Combine olive oil and red wine in a suitably sized bowl and marinade fillet in it.
2 Mix salt, pepper and Cajun spices to coat fillet.
3 Pan fry or grill fillet over coals till medium done.
4 Chocolate sauce Melt chocolate over low heat in double cooker on stove.
5 Add cream or milk if you want to thin the texture of the melted chocolate.
6 Chop chillies and add. Remove pips from chillies or leave them in, depending on how hot you like the sauce.
7 Flavour chocolate sauce with salt, pepper and Cajun spices according to taste.
8 Allow chocolate sauce to simmer till warm and pour over fillet.
Take it easy with the chilli and Cajun spices if you don’t like hot food, but it’s a winning combination