Working in different colours demands more time, but the end result makes up for it
5 balls in Graphite
1 ball each in Slate, Everglade, Sherry,
3.75 mm and 4.5 mm needles
Approximate fit: M(G; XG; XXG)
Completed size approximately 110(118; 126; 134) cm
p – purl ssk – slip, slip, knit (sl foll 2 sts one at a time knitwise on to right hand needle, insert left hand needle into front of these 2 sts and knit them together) k – knit RS – right side WS – wrong side dec – decrease 1×1 rib: 1st row: k1, *p1, k1, rep from * to end. 2nd row: p1, *k1, p1, rep from * to end. Rep 1st and 2nd row.
With 3.75 mm needles and Graphite, cast on 105(113; 121; 129)sts. Work10 rows in 1×1 rib. With 4.5 mm needles knit colour squares according to the diagram till work is approximately 45(46; 47; 48) cm long, ending with WS row. Shape armhole
Cast off on both sides in each row as follows: 4 st 1 time, 3 sts 1(1; 2; 2) times, 2 sts 2(3; 3; 4) times and 1 st 4(4; 3; 3) times, ending with WS row. 75(79; 83; 87) sts. Foll row: pat 37(39; 41; 43), cast off middle st, pat to end. Continue with pat and shape neck as follows: Cast off 1 st at neck edge in every row altogether 12(13; 13; 14) times, then in every 4th row 2 times. 23(24; 26; 27) sts. Continue till work is about 69(71; 73; 75) cm long, ending at armhole edge.
Shape shoulder
Cast off as follows in every alt row: 3 times 6 sts, then1 time 5(6; 8; 9) sts. Cast off. Complete other shoulder like first one, only the other way round.
Work as for front, but in Graphite only and without the neck shaping till back is approximately 2 cm shorter than front at shoulder height, ending on WS. Foll row: pat and cast off middle 29(31; 31; 33) sts and complete the shoulders separately without dec at neck edge. Cast off shoulders like front. Close shoulder seams.
Neck edge
With RS and 3.75 mm needles, pick up and knit about 108 to 128 sts evenly around neck with 1 st in middle front st. Foll row: k. Foll row: k. Foll row: work in 1×1 rib to 2 sts before middle front st, k2tog, k middle st, k2tog, continue in 1×1 rib to end. Foll row: work in 1×1 rib to 2 sts before middle st, p2tog, p middle st, p2tog, work in 1×1 rib to end. Rep last 2 rows once more. Cast off in rib. Close left shoulder seam.
Armhole edges
With RS facing and 3.75 mm needles pick and k about 110 to 134 sts around armhole edge. Work 5 rows in 1×1 rib. Cast off in rib.
Close armhole and side seams. Put work on a flat surface, cover with damp cloth and allow to dry. Follow care instructions on wool band.
Elmarie Knapton