In days gone by they used a proper broomstick, but nowadays you can use an extra thick knitting needle
For bigger projects you can crochet panels and sew them together. The thickest needle I could find was one of 20 mm. You can also buy the stick of a mop and sharpen the end a bit.
sl – slip dc – double crochet ch st – chain stitch lp(e) – loop(s) yan – yarn around needle
3 balls NINI PULLSKEIN DK in turquoise (colour no 23A), 20 mm knitting needle, 4 mm crochet needle
Broomstick crochet work dates back to the 19th century, when real broomsticks were used. The width of your work will depend on the length of the knitting needle. On a knitting needle of 36 cm you can accommodate up to 220 stitches. This project used 125 stitches for a width of 60 cm. You don’t need to make two rows of double crochet between rows. Start directly with loops on the knitting needle after you crocheted the five-five loops together. If you do it this way, the work is all side self side.
Work a basic row of 126 ch st.
1st row: 1 dc in 2nd st from needle, 1 dc in every dc to end. 125 dc.
2nd row: enlarge the last dc’s loop (photo 1 and 2) and hook it over the knitting needle. With the crochet needle pull a lp through the 2nd dc and hook it over the knitting needle. Continue like this to end and ensure you have a multiple of 5 lps on needle (photo 3).
3rd row: sl first 5 lps off knitting needle (photo 4). Stick the crochet needle from right to left through 5 lps, yan, pull through lps and make 1 ch st. Crochet 5 dcs around edge of 5 lps (photo 5 and 6). Pull all sts off the knitting needle and continue to crochet 5 lps at a time with 5 dcs to end (small photo).
4th row: 1 ch st, 1 dc in each dc to end.
5th row: rep 4th row. Don’t turn work around. Rep 2nd to 5th row for about 22 rows more or length required. Cast off.
Products bought at Elite Fabrics, East Lynne, 012 800 1541. Set with knitting needle wool, pattern and short broomstick needle available atWool Knitters Paradise, Frederika Street, Gezina, Pretoria, 012 335 7743 Step by step photos by Corné Swanepoel